The Manchester Review
Submissions of new and unpublished fiction, poetry, essays, memoir, music, video or visual art should be sent to:

Editor, The Manchester Review
Centre for New Writing
Second floor, Mansfield Cooper Building
The University of Manchester
Oxford Road
M13 9PL

or as a Word document to

Please make no more than one submission per issue. For prose submissions, we usually prefer stories or essays of 6,000 words or less. For poetry, please submit up to five poems.

In the body of your email, please include a brief paragraph about your previous publications and awards. Please include in the subject line of your email:

Surname, First name, Category (Fiction/Poetry/Essay/Other)
ex: Ryman, Geoffrey, Fiction

We only accept .doc or .pdf files. Please name the document:

ex: HylandMJEssay.doc

In the header of your document, please include your name, category, and the date of submission. We aim to respond to submissions within two months.

We no longer accept simultaneous submissions.

Submissions are considered throughout the year but any item received less than one month prior to an issue launch date is highly unlikely to feature in that issue. The next issue will be published in March 2012.